Saturday, May 16, 2015

two days again. first one was too short

 I sketch some lines onto the floor. The pen slides across the floor a bit too well. If I had some sandpaper, I could have made a much better drawing surface. But this is fine. My mind feels more active than it has since I came in. My friend is facing me, kneeling on the ground.
     It is a new video now. The perspective is higher than it had been for the majority of the last one. "Stupid shit." A voice comes from somewhere behind. The other person looks up from what he is drawing. "It's not the equipment that's at fault. It was you who forgot to turn it off." He disappears from the frame.
     Everything spins around as the cameraman shifts it to the angle of the artist. A little bit of hair is visible at the bottom of the frame. His arm reaches out to create lateral detail on the inside of the door he has been drawing. A few more smaller lines and the material of the door has some definition. It looks like a heavy bamboo screen.
     Fred looked at the drawing. He looked to his left. And back again. "Maybe you should draw something else." He said. His companion looked up. "Oh. Sure." He moved to a clean section of wood and started drawing. 
     With skill that must have been learned from a lot of practice, he sketched the shape of a slim face with four very light markings in the lower half of it. 


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