Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Missed a Day

I missed a day. Maybe I'll make up for it. Alright. Now to begin.
I think I want to organize this thing into a few main events, and then work from there. So first I have to come up wit an idea. That's really the hard part. I always come up with horrific cliches first, when I'm trying to come up with a story idea. I won't even bother to write those down. I think it should be something...relatable. But not so much that it's just a slice of life story. Dunno though. Slice of life might be the way to go. I'm picturing a forest. Lots of trees. Tall ones, too. Something like maybe a cross between a game of tag and paintball with real bullets. Or..maybe bows or someth--Nope, that's the Hunger Games. Maybe it should take place in somebody's mind. maybe two minds. Maybe a battle of minds, or perception, or something. Or maybe it should have something to do with robots. Or transhumanism. Ah. I like where this is going.
Just a quick sketch of what I'm thinking. It's pretty horrible, I know. I didn't put a whole lot of effort into it. That contact looking think up top is like a skin for the electronic eye pictured to it's right. The gray matrix in the arm is supposed to look kind of like silicone or something. Ahright. Now I will try to just write it out.
     Human 2.0 fit the smooth hemisphere to a dip in his exposed scapula. He held the new arm against his shoulder as the gel between natural bone and the stuff grown in a lab became harder, to simulate a joint. Blood vessels reconnected, guided by markings in the individual cells. The feeling was strange. Like an insect was moving around under his skin. Not entirely pleasant.
     It was stable enough to let go of now. He lay down in his bed wait through the remaining forty minutes he had until the connection was complete and seamless. In an earlier upgrade, he had tried to read, but found it...Difficult to concentrate. After he had read the first four pages over again several times, he just set the book down, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

     Harsh, warm light radiated from the window to his right. He could feel the heat on his closed eyelids. The combination of the gentle warmth and the silky sheets he was wrapped in made his wait a very relaxing one.
AAAND....Now I'll stop for the day. I can feel my writing getting clumsier from lack of good descriptive language and stuff, so I'll resume tomorrow and see if I'm better. If I'm not, I'll just have to push through and see what I get.

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