Saturday, August 8, 2015

Response to a prompt

Warning:I decided to go into somewhat gruesome detail.

The quiet rumbling of thousands of people just waking up quickly became unbearably loud as they began cheering and screaming. The first float was drifting by, and it was much more than what they had expected. It was by itself fairly generic. Lots of colored paper flapping from the edges. Paper mache furniture. But it's occupants. They were something else entirely. A man dressed as a bulky, paper mache astronaut sat in one of the chairs, legs stretched out across the floor. Another man, the tattooed 2050 presidential candidate from Texas was screaming and flailing around. They were both very much on fire. Something in his ink made it quite flammable, and it was a spectacular sight. The strange shapes of fire that rose from the dark purple markings of his skin. Burning pieces of paper fell from the astronaut and into the crowd as he continued to give no regard to the fire. Very quickly, the crowds began to wonder at the realism of the special effects on the float. The astronaut was of course just a paper mache sculpture, but the movement of the screaming robot seemed a bit too fluid and varied. They spoke to each other, trying to figure out if there really was something wrong. A few people spread the news through the crowd that everything was fine. There was some explaining of the technology. They were apparently satisfied. The tattooed candidate had stopped moving. He was curled up in a fetal position on the float. Not moving. Still burning. Quite charred. The astronaut had burned away, and there was a strange and blackened flowing figure sitting in the chair now. Jerkily, it raised up an arm and waved. It was garish. A man started yelling. Protesting the over the top  gruesomeness of the float. He ran up to it and hoisted himself up over the edge. Two policemen stopped their cars and got onto the float. Yelling, they forced him to the ground and handcuffed him. They assured the crowds that everything was alright. At this point, they were louder. Angry voices. Parents. Screaming children. Vomit. Things were thrown. The police chose not to engage, and instead escorted the man into the car. A window shattered inward. They sped off. The float continued. Until the first few people found weapons and began to attack the wheels. They were beat at with sticks and crowbars from people's cars. It dropped onto the ground and the astronaut slipped off it's chair. It was stiff. More police arrived. They chased away the people and told them all to go home. The parade was over. Most people left. Both bodies were eventually autopsied. There was metal inside. silicon muscle, mostly burned away. The silicon skins were both gone. The company responsible was sued.

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